Thursday, October 21, 2010

My Hajj Journey Notes 2009


Shah Alam

Our hajj Journey began when we left our house in Shah Alam on November18 ,( 1st of Zulhijjah) at midnight and go to Kelana Jaya Hajj Complex before heading to airport KLIA. My sister in law’s husband called the Azan beautifully , not many in the house came that night,only some close friends and neighbors . My heart felt sad as I really wanted my mother and my family around to witness the moment. I was so pale and speechless, it was not because the friends, family, house, nor the children that I would leave behind but it’s the feeling of being so overwhelmed with the blessings and grace of HIM that I could already feel it in the house.

Kelana Jaya (Hajj Complex)
A small test of patience began in Kelana Jaya hajj complex when we had to wait for 4 hours outside the hajj complex. Only At 4am we were allowed to get in but as we went in I had to wait for my passport which they (hajj officers) misplaced while everyone has got theirs. I kept my Dua’& zikr inside, praying that Allah will make it easy for me since I hold different passport from my husband. Finally they found it but we missed the final briefing from Hajj Committee. As soon as I got my passport we went straight in to the bus and at 6 am we left Kelana Jaya with Special police escort to make sure that we arrive at the airport on time so there wouldn’t be any delay in our flight to Jeddah (it was fun to be escorted straight to where the planes park, at least I could feel how it’s like to be VIP..he..he..). But Man can only plan, God Decides, our flight was delayed for many hours.

KLIA Sepang
We arrived at KLIA airport at 7am and rushed to pray Subuh, everybody rushed to the toilet to get ablution and it was indeed a long long long que as subuh was approaching to end, we realized that this can be our first exposure before the real long que in Mudzdalifah and Mina. After waiting and waiting finally we left Kuala Lumpur at 10am, we haven’t had any sleep since we left our house eleven hours ago, I was sleepy I though I would just sleep on the plane, but I couldn’t, I was too excited and I did not want to miss saying my Hajj “Niyyat” in Qarnul manazil which is a must thing to do when we pass it.

We rrived in Jeddah at 1pm, it was 9 hours flight amazingly I was not tired at all, my longing to see Ka’bah after 1998 Umrah kept me awake all day. Another 4 hours of waiting at Jeddah airport before we could get in to the Bus to Mekah Al Mukaraamah. The waiting was nothing compared to the exciment of seeing our sisters and brothers at the airport arriving from All over the world with their country’s flags, my personal excitement to see my Indonesian sisters and brothers in their beautiful Indonesian Batiks.
At around 5pm we got into the Bus leaving Jeddah and heading to Mekah, the journey to mekah normally takes 8 hours ( 400km) but we’re lucky to reach Mekah by 10pm.
I still could not sleep in the bus,along the way from Jeddah to Mekah I sit by the window and it was fun to see the city and the lights at night. The city has changed a lot since we came for Umrah in 1998, the influence of west culture in the design of houses and shops,restaurants,cafe were seen everywhere.

We reached Mekah Al Mukarramah around 10pm and went straight to Nesma hotel near the entrance of Marwah Gate (200m) We rested and had our dinner, then at about 1 am we went out of the hotel with two ustaz helping us for our Tawaf Qudum and Sai Hajji (we chose to do Haji Ifrad which is Hajj first then Umrah later, and for 10 days we had to keep ourselves in Ihram).
When entering the Masjidil Haram and seing Ka’bah my eyes couldn’t stop crying my mouth kept saying the Talbiyah, “Here I am, my Lord, here I am ............
And after Solat Tahyatul masjid we went straight to ka’bah and do our welcome Tawaf , tears dropping, with HIS Name I started my tawaf seven times and it was early morning almost 2am, feeling so near to HIM, then I continued with Sai for my Hajj, Amazingly I did not feel tired at all although it was almost like 3.30 in the morning, Subhanallah...We went to the hotel for an hour rest then back to masjidil haram at 4.30 for our fajr prayer/subuh

with My husband and mother in law in arafah before Maghrib, on Wukuf Day

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Allah knows

When you are down,

when you are happy,

when you are lonely....


Tolaal Badru Alayna





Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ar rahman!


Sunday, March 1, 2009


O Allah change me so that I can change others
O Allah guide me so that I can guide others

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Ya Maulana

Brighter than the sun, fairer than the moon, your beauty is so dazzling. Bigger than the sea, higher than the clouds your soul is so enlightening. What I'd give to see your face beaming with so much grace

Monday, February 2, 2009

Turn to Allah

Turn to Allah.....


To Him belong the kingdom of heaven and earth
and unto Him all matters will return..
He makes the night to enter into the day
and makes the day to enter into the night ..
He knows the secrets within the breast


Dengan NamaMU aku mengawali
Dengan namaMU aka mengakhiri

Friday, January 30, 2009

Only You...

Kala hati gundah...
Kala resah datang
Kala logika tidak lagi dapat memberi ketenangan........

Only in soul rested in calm..

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Loved One

Who is the Loved One?
Who is the Most Beloved?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Ya Allah Bantu aku untuk merasai kehadiranMu selalu
dalam segala bentuk penciptaanMu
to Seeing You everywhere

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cintaku padaMU Ya Allah

Y a Rabb...kalau bukan Engkau siapa lagi yang akan mencintaiku,
Cinta mereka sementara..tapi cintaMU Abadi

taubat berkali kali

kala nafas masih keluar, dosa kecil pasti terbuat
karena kita bukan malaikat, tapi Allah sayang pada
hamba yang tidak jemu jemu bertaubat

Friday, December 26, 2008

Muharram 1430 H

New year come, life cycle changes
up and down...high and low
every day is a new spiritual day
the breath in the breath out
people come people go
still maintain in the center and renew equibilirium
Only God knows when it ends!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Asmaul Husna

Kemudian kami tunjukkan tanda tanda kekuasaan KAMI
pada Alam dan pada diri mereka.................

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Ramadhan datang dan berlalu....

datang dan berlalu......

datang dan berlalu.....dengan IzinMU

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Ya Nabi Ya Habibi....

Semoga Allah selalu merahmatimu dengan cinta... dengan kasih selamat umatmu...


hadirlah kasih dalam setiap langkah hidupku...

oh..Muhammad Ya Rosulullah!

Monday, August 4, 2008

My Reflection time

In my silent, I sometimes see myself wondering what I have been doing all this while, how my life turned this way ... when I think of Allah then I understand that HE is the planner of all this, and I am just a servant doing HIS will......................

Friday, August 1, 2008

My Life

In life, one must know where he is now and where he is going......
No goal in life is worth pursuing without Allah's blessing,
Human tends to easily forget the reason why he is being created, why he is here on earth, what is real and what is illusion.....

Thursday, July 31, 2008

My Readings

Semuanya harus dengan ilmu, tidak ada perbuatan yang dilakukan tanpa dengan ilmu dapat menghasilkan sesuatu yang baik,
ingin beribadah harus dengan ilmu, ingin berbuat sesuatu apapun harus dengan ilmu tanpa ilmu apa yang dikerjakan adalah jaahil


Sunday, July 13, 2008

My Lord

Sesungguhya hidupku dan matiku hanya untukMU...

PadaMu aku menyembah dan kepadaMu aku memohon....

Aku Ridho dan Engkau Ridho.....Rodiyatammardiyyah...

My Husband

Allah jadikan manusia berlainan bangsa untuk saling mengenal satu sama lain dalam naungan rahmah Ilahi.....

Dalam dunia untuk sementara bersama,
sama sama mencari RedhoNYA...

My friends

Sebaik baik kawan adalah mereka yang mampu memberi inspirasi yang baik dalam hidup kita dan membawa kita lebih dekat dengan Allah....

Allah memberi kawan yang cenderung sama dengan kita, kalau kita suka dekat dekat dengan Allah, kawan kawan kita pun tergolong kepada mereka yang dekat dengan Allah......

Kadang kadang Allah pertemukan kita dengan orang yang akan membawa kita untuk melihat balik ke dalam diri kita, Allah tunjukan dengan caraNYA melalui orang orang disekeliling kita... apakah kita bisa membaca ayat ayatNYA...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Semoga Blog ini memberi manfaat buat saya, buat anak saya, buat suami saya, buat ahli keluarga saya, buat teman teman saya, buat kamu kamu......

Alhamdulillah! May this blogsite serves as a good place to share things with my children, husband, family, friends.........